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Kumkum Bhagya actor Krishna Kaul talks about the adorable bond with Flash on International Dog Day


Television | Celebrities

Kumkum Bhagya actor Krishna Kaul shares a great bond with his dog Flash and on the occasion of International Dog Day today 26 August, he talks about his pet. Read here at

August 26th is a special day, for people who share an affectionate bond with dogs. Today is International Dog Day, and the list of celebrities who adore and love dogs as their house pets is long enough. Actor Krishna Kaul who plays the role of Ranbir in Zee TV’s long-running show Kumkum Bhagya talks about his lovely bond with his dog named Flash. He talks about the importance of his pet in his life and takes us through the daily routines that they follow together.

Krishna Kaul says, “On this International Dog Day, I want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible joy and companionship my dog Flash brings into my life. Flash has a unique way of brightening even the toughest days, from his boundless energy to his unwavering loyalty. Every day, his playful antics and affectionate nature remind me of the pure, unconditional love that dogs offer.”

He continues, “Whenever I come back home from a hectic shoot, he cheers me up and is so happy seeing me. Also, when my friends come to visit me, he plays with them and makes their day as well. I am really grateful for the countless moments of laughter and comfort he provides, and I am proud to honor not just Flash, but all the amazing dogs who enrich our lives in ways words can scarcely capture. Here’s to celebrating the wonderful bond we share with our furry friends!”

About The Author

Srividya Rajesh

Srividya Rajesh, Co Founder & Associate Editor at IWMBuzz, sleeps, eats and drinks news. With cheetah like pace and a Herculean heart, Srividya (called Sri lovingly by friends and fraternity) is undoubedtly the queen of breaking news and latest updates in the Indian television industry. Operating from Chennai, Sri has her eyes and ears on movements in Mumbai. Fearless and fierce, Sri is a revered figure in the industry. Team leader, motivator and a go getter, Sri is the pillar in the editorial foundation at IWMBuzz and is responsible for smooth functioning of the news pipeline.

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