AUSTIN, Texas — Austin Pets Alive has helped 85 pets find a home for the holidays, and they hope to adopt fifty more before the end of the year.
While it isn't a decision to be made lightly, the holidays can still be a great excuse to give a pet in need a loving home. Austin Pets Alive says it's important to remember the 3-3-3 Rule: it takes three days for a new pet to decompress, three weeks to establish a routine, and three months to feel at home. In the meantime, all the pet needs is some patience and love.
Drew and Sydney Willoughby are ready for a pet.
“We're excited. I think he's excited, hopefully.” Sydney said. “We'll be comforting him, and hopefully he kind of does the same to us.” [[1:58/W]]
But they aren't sure it's the right time, which is why after little Henrick caught their eye, they're taking the pup home for a couple of weeks in a trial period Austin Pets Alive calls a sleepover… just in time for the holidays.
“We're taking Henrick on a sleepover. He seems like a cute little guy,” Drew said. “I'm excited to have a new little buddy for Christmas.”
A.P.A. Communications Director Luis Sanchez says for the holidays, they've already adopted out about thirty dogs and fifty cats.
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“It's great to see families here for families with the kids making that decision together, couples roommates,” Sanchez said. “That way you know they're invested in the life of the animal.”
Sanchez says when it comes to a new pet, it's important to give the animal plenty of space and love.
“It's just making sure that you kind of give yourself the patience, give the animals the patience they need, because they're not going to transition within a day,” Sanchez said.
He says it will take three days for that animal to decompress and three weeks to learn a routine.
“Don't introduce them to your pets at home right away. Take a few days to slowly introduce them,” Sanchez said. “So make sure that you give them food in the morning or afternoon. Stick to a schedule. Make sure your potty breaks stick to a schedule.”
And three months to feel at home.
“A lot of us cry when we see our favorites go home because it means so much to us,” Sanchez said.
And the Willoughby's feel that's the best gift you can give a loving pet.
“It's like a little Christmas present for yourself and for them. I mean, I feel like the most important thing is getting them out of the shelter,” Syndey said.
“I'm glad I can give him a Christmas present, a new home, and hopefully he gives me the Christmas present of his companionship,” Drew said.
A.P.A. hopes to find fifty more dogs a home by the end of the year, and they're hosting a free adoption promotion over the weekend to help accomplish this goal. It begins Friday and goes through Tuesday, and could be the perfect way to ring in the new year if your home is ready for a furry companion.