DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) — As you wrap up your last-minute holiday gift ideas, pet experts warn against gifting an animal to loved one as a surprise.
“Some people get them as a gift, and some people didn’t have the time or money to accept that gift. You know, it’s a living thing. Not something that sits on your couch, and that’s it,” said Holly Clawson, director of LiFeline and Cat Rescue Inc.
Clawson says their rescue, made up of volunteers that foster and adopt out cats, has seen some returns of cats and stories from other agencies experiencing the same this time of year.
“You have to play with them, you have to clean up after them, you have to feed them,” said Clawson.
Holiday pet returns are not only stressful for the animal, but also for the shelter and rescues that have to find new homes for them.
“It’s tough on the rescues because a lot of times people will wait for the last minute, not realizing that a rescue has 140 cats, like we do already. And finding a spot for a returned one, we need a little bit of time,” said Clawson.
If you plan of gifting a friend or loved one a pet, make sure they are well prepared. It’s also advised that you get them before Christmas to avoid stress on the new furry family member.
“Christmas is very busy and probably a little scary. Paper flying everywhere, toys everywhere. And if they come in a little bit before that, then they have time to not feel so scared on Christmas morning when all of that is happening,” said Clawson.
For more information about foster and adoptions with LiFeline, visit their website.