Owners should not feed their pets raw meat\u2014especially poultry\u2014or unpasteurized dairy products, veterinarians advised.<\/p>
Cats should be kept indoors and away from potentially infected birds, livestock and wildlife, especially in areas with known bird flu outbreaks.<\/p>
Owners should ensure that their felines' rabies vaccinations are up to date to avoid the risk of confusion between the two viral infections.<\/p>
Finally, pet owners should avoid handling dead birds where possible\u2014and if essential, wear personal protective equipment, including gloves and a mask, when doing so. If coming into contact with livestock or poultry, owners should change their clothes and wash their hands thoroughly before interacting again with their cats.<\/p>
Washington and Oregon Departments of Agriculture:<\/strong> \"This public health notice was initiated in response to these findings and further testing conducted by WSDA on unopened containers of the raw pet food, manufactured by Wild Coast Raw.\"<\/p> State Health advisory:<\/strong> \"While no human infections have been identified among those handling raw pet food products, people can become infected if the virus enters their eyes, nose or mouth \u2014 such as by handling contaminated pet food or touching contaminated surfaces, especially without thoroughly washing their hands afterward.\"<\/p> Health officials' warning:<\/strong> \"Although the current human health risk is low, those exposed to H5N1 should monitor themselves for symptoms...and pet owners or handlers showing these signs should contact their healthcare providers.\"<\/p> Consumers are being directed to check lot numbers on Wild Coast, LLC products and visit the WSDA recalls and health alerts webpage for specific information.<\/p> Health officials will continue monitoring for potential infections while investigating the contaminated food products.<\/p> <\/div>\r\n<\/source><\/source><\/source><\/source><\/source><\/source><\/source><\/source><\/source><\/picture><\/div>
What Happens Next?<\/h2>
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