Tiger's Journey from Vietnam to Taipei Taiwan by Candi G
What's it About?
Candi G has written a heartwarming story about a courageous and loyal canine who has been to war and back.
In Candi G’s heartwarming story Tiger’s Journey from Vietnam to Taipei Taiwan, we meet Tiger, a brave German Shepherd who has been diligently trained as a military dog and sent to Vietnam to use his skills to serve his country. Alongside Tiger, we meet his handler, SGT Keels. They share a bond and a united desire to serve and protect the country and each other during times of war.
Dynamic Duo on a Mission
One night, on a seemingly routine patrol, Keels hears a report of a missing patrol. Tiger and SGT Keels get packed, and this dynamic duo rolls out on yet another mission. Tiger, doing what he does best, senses that danger is afoot, and he gives the signal. Because of their unbreakable bond, Keels heeds his warning of danger, and they take cover where they make the call for backup. With the enemy fleeing and the success of the mission, Tiger is met with praise and gratitude with his head held high. Little did he know, that would be his last mission.
With the Vietnam War coming to a close, there is no longer a need for a canine unit, so Tiger is honorably discharged and sent to a US Military Canine Facility where he can live out his days in peace, but separated from SGT Keels. Tiger isn’t just any dog; he is a War Dog.
Unfortunately, Tiger’s reunion with SGT Keels isn’t a permanent one. They are evacuated and Tiger is sent to Taiwan to live with his new adopted family. Feeling abandoned and unmoored, Tiger withdraws from his new family and becomes a shadow of the former military dog he once was.
As time goes on, he begins to feel more comfortable in this new life as a family pet. He starts to open up and before you know it, Tiger is back! Tiger’s new family, children of the neighborhood, and lots of other animals get into all kinds of hijinks and fun together now that Tiger is finally living the life he has earned, one of love, peace, and family.
Protecting the People He Loves
One night, the neighborhood is having a party with movies, music, fireworks, and fun but Tiger can’t shake the feeling that danger is near. Trusting his gut, he goes searching for any potential threats and finds someone lurking in the shadows. His years of military training take over and Tiger isn’t going to let this lurking figure go without a fight!
With the assailant running away with his tail between his legs (pun intended) Tiger reunites with his family in victory and is rightfully showered with affection, praise, and a juicy steak! Armed with courage and a new sense of confidence, Tiger will continue to serve and protect his community.
As the proud owner of a pup of my own, it’s hard to imagine her in the same position as Tiger, undergoing years of rigorous training and shipped off to a war zone, responsible for saving the lives of our soldiers. Candi G has written a heartwarming story about a courageous and loyal canine who has been to war and back. Along the way, he learns that there is more to life than war. Tiger’s Journey from Vietnam to Taipei Taiwan is a story that will be perfect for dog lovers of all ages!
About Candi G:
The author is a former Middle School teacher, Military Veteran and Children’s Book Writer. The author has traveled and lived all over the world. The author grew up in Taichung ,Taiwan and as a child the author had a German Shepherd named Tiger. Tiger was the best companion a kid could have. This is the author’s tribute to their favorite childhood memories and their best friend.

Publish Date: 07/22/2023
Genre: Children’s Books
Author: Candi G
Page Count: 38 pages
Publisher: Barnes & Noble Press
ISBN: 9798369289372