Nursery staff and children were wowed by a special performance from a Britain’s Got Talent act.
The Trickstars, formed of Lucy Heath and her four-legged friends Strike, Trip Hazard, Tempo and Peach, performed at Children 1st @ Grantham last Friday (May 17), which is where her son Ethan attends.
Paula Bunn, of Children 1st @ Grantham, said: “Lucy is the mummy of Ethan who attends our nursery, and he was really excited that his mummy and dogs were going to perform for us.

“Aided by Ethan’s daddy Ross, the very talented Lucy and extremely clever dogs gave us a fantastic performance which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
“After the performance, the children who wanted to, said hello to Trip Hazard, Dizzy and Peach which completed our activities on national pet week where the children learnt how to care for their own pets.”

Readers may remember Lucy last month when she wowed BGT judges with her audition, which Simon Cowell and Alesha Dixon considered the “best dog act of all time”.

BGT continues tonight (Saturday, May 25) on ITV.