Mickey Singh is currently living in a caravan with his XL Bully and two American bulldog-cross puppies
BirminghamLive readers have reacted with support for a man who has been left homeless due to his three pet dogs.
Mickey Singh says that he is unable to find rental accommodation due to so many landlords having a no animal policy.
The 46-year-old owns three pooches including an XL Bully and two American bulldog-cross dogs.
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He says that he was evicted in December last year after allowing his ex-partner's puppy to stay at his home in Kingstanding.
Following a plea for help, a kind woman offered him her caravan to stay in – but this is around 170 miles away in Kent.
He says that since the move, he has been removed from his support system in Birmingham but is willing to do anything to stay with his rescue dogs who are “like his kids.”
He said: “I've got evicted a week before Christmas, no one's willing to give me a break.
“I put a post up on an XL bully site and I said ‘please', I was willing to sleep on the streets because giving up on him is not in the equation.”
As of February 1 last year, it became illegal to own or possess an XL Bully dog unless you have a valid Certificate of Exemption.
Mickey's XL Bully Tyson is exempt, but he says the struggles finding a home aren't because of the breed – but that few landlords will accept dogs in general.
He continued: “I put a post up [on social media] and a woman says I can stay in a caravan.
“There's no power, you had power failures near enough every day, but I had to do it for the sake of my dogs.
“I said ‘I'll have to, I don't have any options to keep us together.'
“I got ripped away from the life and friends I had made in Birmingham, and here, I'm stuck in a world where I don't know anyone, I can't go to anyone for help.
“When I was in Birmingham, I do like Kingstanding for the simple fact of the matter is, I take it to be the dog capital of Birmingham. I did get a lot of love.
“I only knew one or two people but when I'm walking Tyson in and around Kingstanding, me and Tyson got so much love you honestly wouldn't believe it.
“I don't mind sacrificing my life for my pups, my dogs. They're my family, they're just like kids. I just wish I could catch a break.
“It's not settled because I still don't have a tenancy.”
Tyson, who is insured, microchipped and exempt, is two-years-old, while the puppies are five-months-old.
“My dogs are just full of love. My big boy is the most loving, gentle soul you could ever meet,” he said.
“They all get on like a house on fire. I just want security and a home.”
In response to his story, BirminghamLive readers have called for changes in the law to prevent renters from giving up their beloved pets.
Heather Obinna said: “We need legislation on this issue. Our pets are family members and they should have rights as such.
“Children can be just as destructive as pets and there is legislation to prevent landlords from discriminating against families with children.
“I remember when there wasn't anything preventing landlords from discrimination against children and they would turn families away.
“It's high time that legislation should be in place protecting our pets as well.
“Expecting people to abandon their pets at a shelter or having them euthanised is cruel and inhumane.”
Charly Amatullah added: “I had to give up my dog because [the] landlord wouldn't accept her, heartbreaking as it is, no one will accept 3 dogs.”
Joseph Fitzpatrick wrote: “Unfortunately it is the few who spoil it for the rest. The majority of dog owners are responsible people but the few who are not should not be allowed to keep dogs.”
Steven Crowe said that he had met Mickey and his dogs who are “well behaved.”
He added: “Such a shame. Met him a few times, a very very very responsible dog owner [who]loved his dog and would do anything for him.
“The dog was so well behaved and they all deserve somewhere safe to live.”