India’s love for its four-legged companions is undeniable. Ranking fifth globally in pet dog ownership, many Indian families consider their dogs loyal members of the household. However, with a rise in dog bite incidents and attacks in residential areas, local authorities are increasingly making pet registration mandatory.
But should you register your pet even if it’s not required? The simple answer is yes.

Why pet registration matters
Pet registration helps establish legal guardianship, making it easier to claim ownership in case of disputes. If your dog needs to travel on public transport, a municipal registration certificate can validate its legitimacy and allow hassle-free movement.
Not just that, since municipal corporations oversee health and safety regulations, registration enables them to provide essential facilities, such as government-run pet clinics.
Vaccination records are a key part of registration, ensuring your pet is protected from diseases at all times. In the event of an outbreak, registered and vaccinated pets are less likely to be subjected to preventive measures, as they won’t be considered potential carriers.
What’s the process?
The Heads Up For Tails blog explains that since all pets are to be registered through local municipalities, the process may look a little different depending on where you live.
Step 1
Find your local municipal office: A quick web search or a call to your municipal office can help you identify the department responsible for pet registration. For instance, residents of Delhi NCR can complete the process through an online portal.
Step 2
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Fill out an application: Fill out the application which usually demands a passport-sized photo of your pet alongside their medical records and vaccinations. For an older dog, a sterilisation record is often mandatory. Additional information would be required if your pet was imported.
Step 3
Sign the undertaking form: Beyond the application, you will likely need to fill out an undertaking form, and signing it accepts local bylaws that apply to your pet. In multiple regions, this also means you agree to certain responsibilities as a pet parent. For instance, in Bengaluru, your pet has the right to adequate shelter and food, routine medical check-ups, and vaccinations. This also means that you may not subject them to experimental procedures of any nature.
Step 4
Submit pet parent details: You may need to submit your details such as a government ID and address proof.
Step 5
Pay the registration fee: At the end of the process, you will need to pay a fee that ranges from Rs 60 to Rs 500, based on your local municipality.
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After the completion of this process, you will receive a pet license book or certificate, and in some cases, you may also receive a metal batch to attach to your pooch’s leash. In Mumbai, pet owners can obtain a QR-coded pet Aadhaar card, which helps reunite lost pets with their families.