KENNEWICK, Wash.-Kennewick fire crews responded to a house fire at 313 S. William Street on July 10.
Smoke could be seen coming from the home when firefighters arrived around 8:40 p.m.
According to the KFD, firefighters entered the home and applied water to the fire before pulling down some of the ceiling to make sure the fire didn’t spread to the attic.
The resident of the home was treated at the scene for minor burns and then taken to the hospital for further treatment.
The homeowner’s pet dog died in the fire, according to a KFD press release on the fire.
Firefighters got the fire under control in about 10 minutes, however, crews stayed on scene for several hours checking for hot spots.
Smoke, fire and water damage prevented the home from being reoccupied and the KFD Chaplain and the American Red Cross worked to help the home’s resident with temporary housing needs.
At this time the cause of the fire is believed to be cooking related, according to the KFD.
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