Steven McKee's Staffordshire bull terrier Achilles pounced on Pauline Little outside a block of flats in Glasgow's Milton on October 30, 2023.
Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that Miss Little had been putting the bins out for her mother at the time.
Prosecutor Darren Harty stated how Achilles ran towards Miss Little and she “screamed in fear.”
The fiscal depute added: “Achilles bit her arm and Miss Little screamed in agony as blood soaked through her jumper.”
McKee, 43, appeared and Miss Little told him that the dog had bitten her.
Miss Little's mother initially tended to her arm which had a “large chunk missing” and continued to bleed.
Mr Harty stated: “McKee was apologetic and said that this was the third time that this had happened.
“McKee said that he was going to get the dog put down as he struggled to control it.”
Miss Little was taken to hospital where she received a tetanus injection.
She was advised that the wound to her arm would result in permanent scarring.
Miss Little underwent surgery for a skin tear and was given stitches.
Police later traced McKee who said: “I got that dog put down as he bit my neighbour's daughter.”
McKee pleaded guilty to being the owner of a dog which was dangerously out of control which bit Miss Little to her severe injury and permanent disfigurement.
Sheriff Paul Reid tagged McKee for six months on top of imposing the compensation order at today's sentencing.