Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA) on Saturday held a dog show as part of a Family Fun Day at Peak Garden Events which raised K6 million.
Lilongwe residents along with Malawi Police Service brought their dogs for the exhibition.
The society’s chief executive officer Madeline Nyamwanza said she was pleased to have raised the K6 million, which was their target.
“The funds will help support our work in animal welfare education, rescue and also treat sick animals in urban areas where owners cannot afford veterinary fees. We are pleased with the response from the corporate world,” she said.
G4S Secure Logistics was the event’s main sponsor while Peak Gardens provided the venue for free.
Peak Events executive director Emmanuel Nyirenda said they supported the society because deals with issues that concern the society.
“In our communities, we have pets such as dogs and cats. If people have knowledge on how to take care of animals, the transmission of viruses from animals to people can be reduced,” he said.
Nicole Carn, whose dog Flossy won the best girl dog category, said she took part in the event because she wanted to support the society.
“The society is doing a good service to Malawi. I feel great to support such a noble cause. My dog Flossy won in temperament, conditioning and happiness areas,” she said.
The event also featured vendor stalls offering a variety of unique products and services from local businesses.
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