A rescue shelter in Bloomfield was busy right before the new year. On Saturday, they welcomed 45 adoptable dogs from out of state.
“I think overall people are seeing the need for families to adopt homeless pets and a lot of people just want to welcome another four-legged friend in general,” said Hayley Haspeslagh.
Haspeslagh is in charge of the adoption team at Dog Star Rescue in Bloomfield. She says they typically don't see as many adoptions around Christmas or New Year's Eve, but this year was an exception.
“We average about 17 adoptions a week, based on the surge of applications this week, I'm hoping we can do a bit more,” said Haspeslagh.
So far this month, they've had 66 adoptions and more than 900 for the year.
“He just arrived this morning from Mississippi,” said Haspeslagh.
The dog she was holding was named Little Bacon Bits. He arrived at the shelter just in time for their adoption event from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
“I think we're at a new normal as far adoptions. So, we're getting a pretty steady stream of applicants,” said Dog Star Rescue President and Founder Dan McCabe.
McCabe says they saw a surge in adoptions during the pandemic. Then a major decline once people went back to work, but he says it's getting better.
One out-of-state couple welcomed a black lab mix into their home on Saturday, and they are no strangers to pets. It was their fourth time saving a rescue.
“I mean, they need a home. There are just so many of them out there. They need a chance,” said Sharon Wallerius of Lee, Massachusetts.
Wallerius and her husband Jerry said they couldn't wait to adopt to her. They plan to name her Roxy and ring in the new year with a new, four-legged family member.
“We're looking forward to that. We thought Christmas, but New Year's – this is even better. 2024,” said Wallerius.