EUGENE, Ore. — Spring break is coming up, and for a lot of folks, that means travel.
And traveling means stress.
But maybe not so much for people flying out of the Eugene Airport.
That's because the airport is playing host to a trio of comfort dogs.
The dogs and their handlers are from a nonprofit group called F.E.T.C.H. (Friends Eager To Come Help).
And help they do – helping people relieve a little stress in their busy days.
“A lot of people are stressed when they are flying and so it relieves part of that stress,” said Ina Duncan with F.E.T.C.H.
“Where you have to come here and get your luggage dropped off and get through security and you have to get upstairs and then you have to wait, and so this gives people a little bit of a break,” Duncan continues. “Especially with the small children when they're flying – they tend to get excited, be able to pet a dog and play with a dog for a few minutes.”
The comfort dogs are at the airport thanks in part to Avelo Airlines, which helped sponsor the event.
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