Furry Friday: Cats in the garden

2023-09-28 20:19:56
2023-09-28 20:19:56

Not for the first time, our collection is led by the extraordinary Earl Grey.

On Furry Friday, you tend to find that one week it's a dogs week, the next week it's about cats.
Every now and then I do a multi-species collection with some binding theme.

Sometimes it's a bit hard to find a theme that binds enough of my filed photos to make up a collection.
In these cases, if you haven't noticed, I fudge it and pretend that there's an over-arching order to what is actually a pretty random lineup.
(If you hadn't noticed this, please ignore the confession.)

This week the collection of readers' pets photos is themed on "cats in the garden", except where it's not.
Turned out I didn't have enough suitable photos.
So half-way through it becomes something along the lines of Photos I Like of Pretty Cats.
Hope you don't mind.
Scroll and please overlook this week's randomness.

Gino was introduced gradually to the outdoors, by way of harness training.
I'm told he's 'rascally' but he doesn't look it – in this photo, at least.

Thanks to all for submitting photos.
Please email me your own pet photos, or message me via the Four Legs Good Facebook page. Help keep Furry Friday free of embarrassing mistakes by remembering to include your pet's name, and its sex if it's not obvious!

Magnificent Tor is king of any jungle he enters.

This slightly scruffy boy is named Tigger.
Along with his sister Jinx, he was rescued from a farm.

Miss Felix Rani displays a superb tail, one of a number that feature in today's collection.

Ollie is half Ragdoll, Half Burmese and 100 percent stunning.


Oscar is a local oracle.
Draw near in an orderly fashion and he shall describe your fate, if he can be bothered.

Soren performs a useful neighbourhood-watch role.

Princess Lucy would like to protest at the unopened nature of this window.

Guy, Felix and Jett gather to plot how to the overthrow the current regime while retaining regular feeds.

Miss Billie is puzzled.
Why, when it's allegedly spring, does it keep raining? Ha, she doesn't understand the concept of 'spring'.

Bilbo attempts to hide in his garden.
Unfortunately he's not coloured for camouflage.

Miso absorbs some springtime rays in the front garden.

Bright-ginger boy Tony could serve as a beacon.

Handsome Lupin makes his Furry Friday debut.
I do hope we see more of him.

Rupert is an SPCA rescue kitten whose life now is full of love and sun.

Just a quick change of theme here to celebrate a couple of extraordinary tails – those of Lily (left) and Lola.

Another stunning tail is that of Starbuck (left). Meanwhile.
Robby does his usual thing of sitting like Al Bundy.

Meet Taniwha, who sadly is no longer of this world.
While here, he made quite an impact with his 8kg of pure muscle and endless stretch.

Wiske is a five-month-old British Shorthair whose greatest joy is to burrow under the tablecloth and emerge the other side in what she's sure must be a big surprise.

This synchronised pair is Arthur and Martha.
Fittingly, I don't know which is which.

Andy and Sylvie pretend they're lost seafarers praying to spot land.

Welcome back to Pixie and Whitman, last seen here as sibling kittens.
They've grown up but are still close despite their distinct personalities.

Elvis has appropriated the dog's bed.
So much more spacious, he thinks.

A sunny day, a good book – Mango has all that's necessary.

You don't need that silly jigsaw, insists Aria.
All you require is to gaze at her eyes all day.

Sasha and Misha were found under some steps.
Now their life is as easy as it's meant to be.

There's a quote that says 'Cats sleep fat and walk thin'. Emily disproves that dictum by sleeping not fat but flat.

Molly's eyes have been hypnotically present on several Furry Friday editions.
Here they are again, for I must do their bidding.

A cat's yawn is quite a spectacle, as Milly demonstrate.
It can come along so suddenly that your plans for a portrait photo are foiled.

Another prodigious yawn, this time from Matilda.

Finally, eyes to illuminate your weekend.
This is Momo, master of the blue-steel stare.

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