Grooming for your pets can be where fur meets fabulous. But there are things you, the pet owner, can do to help maintain their freshly washed fur.

Brittany bonds with a dog that first took a while to warm up to her due to injuries. She explains that they bonded while getting comfortable with each other at the hair appointments.
Brittany White is the owner of a new business, Nishu Bay Kennel and Grooming.
“The amount of time between grooming is usually a standard maybe six to eight weeks. Depending, it all always depends on the breed of the dog, the length of the dog’s hair, personal preference of what you would like for your dog. They can start getting used to the smells, the sounds, the process. And what we usually do in the beginning is called a puppy groom, where we introduce a lot of the equipment, the sound of the clippers. We try to desensitize them so we can do their nails and their paw pads. The hair grows in between the paw pads and when they go out into the mud or the water and it gets wet, it starts to mat up. So professionally, we cut that hair out of there, and not only that, but the pads actually use, or help the dog use to stop. And then we give a small bath and introduce them to the blow dryer or the dryer.” said White.
In between professional grooming visits, she recommends pet owners always brush their dog.
“Brush, brush, brush. Always brush your dog. You need to brush your dog at least twice a day. That will actually help with the next session for the groom. The clipper is going to go through a lot easier. Not only that, but it prevents matting. Pay attention to the eyes, you know, it gets some of the eye gunk. You should do that. Clean their eyes every day, be aware of the ears, and then teeth brushing is actually a big thing for dogs. You just don’t do it once in a while. It’s like humans, you need to brush your teeth, you know, every day or after meals. It’s the same with dogs,” she added.
You can book your pet’s appointment at Nishu Bay Kennel & Grooming here. Follow Nishu Bay Kennel & Grooming on Facebook for updates and more.