Celebrating the New Year is always fun when surrounded by family and friends, and it's even better when you can safely include a few fireworks in the festivities.
But this time of year, much like the Fourth of July, is a time to remind ourselves that our four-legged friends might not be as fond of the loud booms and explosions fireworks cause. A statement from the American Kennel Club says that events like “Independence Day is the day when the highest number of dogs run away.” So don't think it can't happen just because it's New Year's Eve.
Your furry friend may be turned off by many things when it comes to fireworks, says New Jersey-based veterinarian Dr. Judy Morgan. Morgan says it could be “the noise and the flashes of light…[and your pet may] remble, shake, shiver, howl, and bark — some of them get frantic.”
It's key to know your pet's temperament and how to treat it. Here are some good guidelines from the American Kennel Club that you can keep in mind before you fire up your sparklers and other show-stopping fireworks:
- Keep your pet away from fireworks — including fireworks shows. Also, don't leave them outside when neighbors are firing them in your neighborhood
- Make Sure Your Pet Has Proper ID
- Create a Safe Space For Your Pet
- Play white noise
- Give your pet the comfort they need — if you're calm, your pet will follow suit, so be the measuring stick for them
- Take your dog (or cat, if applicable) for a long walk — this one is simple and practical
- De-sensitive your pet to the sounds of fireworks
- Ask your vet for tips and other wellness advice, including over-the-counter calming treats, CBD for pets, and dog anxiety vests
- Consider hiring a trainer or behavioral consultant for your pet(s)