A VETERINARY technician has slammed people who breed a small dog with a muscular physique and short lifespan.
They raged that “there’s a special place in hell” for anyone exchanging money for the controversial canine.
Vet techs can earn up to $43,740 a year by helping injured and ill animals, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Most roles require an associate degree, the ability to treat animals with “kindness,” and a sensitivity toward owners of sick pets.
A certified vet technician took to Reddit’s Vet Tech forum to share their opinion on an increasingly popular dog breed.
Posting under the handle u/Myfeesh, they described it as arguably the “worst breed” ever.
“Today was the second time I've seen an ‘exotic bully,’” they wrote.
“If you haven't had the privilege, it's sort of a bulldog/pitbull/Frenchie? Oh, and it's only about 10kgs.
“Smushed face, cropped ears, bow-legged at both ends, blue merle for some ungodly reason, and breathing like a Frenchie.
“I literally felt sick just looking at this animal.
“How could anyone exchange this creature for money with a straight face, let alone create it?
“There's a special place in hell.”
Hundreds of Reddit users upvoted the post and shared their honest opinions in the thread.
“I met a guy who was breeding them,” one person commented.
“I’ll be honest the puppies were so cute but I didn’t realize they were a complete abomination until I met the poor mama dog.
“I felt so bad for the mama. I couldn’t believe they existed.
“The guy told me they could go for OVER $10k! So yeah that explains why they exist [sad emoji].”
“Those poor babies,” another wrote.
“I believe that if a dog already is here, we should give it the best life we can even with deformities, but breeding them and making more animals that will be miserable by two years old or younger is cruel.”
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Dr. Sara Ochoa has been practicing veterinary medicine for over five years.
She told The U.S. Sun observing a dog's behavior can provide clues that they might act out.
“A dog that looks tense all over with its fur sticking up or teeth showing is more likely to snap,” she said.
“Staring real hard without blinking could mean trouble too.
“Growling is also a warning the dog is getting mad.”
She said dogs may tuck their tail between their legs when they feel scared or threatened.
“Staying calm and keeping space may help things not to escalate if a dog seems on edge,” she said.
“I’ve also had the… pleasure of seeing some of these exotic bullies (never sure what the exact mix is, but they’re all horribly bred and unhealthy),” a third added.
“F***ing horrific what people have created, those poor dogs shouldn’t even be brought into the world.
“They’re literally born just to suffer and die young because some people think they look good, for some reason, and will pay thousands for them.
“It’s disgusting.”
Many countries have banned American XL bully dogs in recent years following a series of fatal attacks and public maulings.
Breeders have reacted by introducing the Exotic Bully, a tiny dog achieved by breeding small pocket bullies with various bulldogs.
They have a short glossy coat of varying colors and a muscular physique.
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According to Dog Academy, exotic bully dogs have a “sweet temperament” but hereditary health problems.
Their heavy weight can lead to a loss of mobility, back pain, and low life quality.