A DOG shelter worker has revealed the six dogs she would never own based on her experience.
Some of these family favorites she considered either “too high maintenance” or requiring far too much “fur maintenance.”

While some commenters said her list was very relatable, others took issue.
But Sarah (@whiskers72400) stuck to her guns, and would not be budged.
As far as she was concerned, she most definitely was not barking up the wrong tree.
“Dog breeds I would never willingly own, as a shelter worker,” she began her post.
First on her list was the slobbering and lovable bulldog.
But, for Sarah, they came with far too much baggage: “Bulldogs have health issues,” she said.
Next was the glacial-eyed Siberian Husky, and she was not taken by their appearance.
“They’re annoying,” she surmised of the breed. And another thing. They required far too much ” fur maintenance.”
Poodles were next on her list. Sarah considered them hard work, having “health issues and [requiring] coat maintenance.”
She was unimpressed with the attitude of the dotty Dalmation.
“I met one who literally victimized every person in his path,” she wrote.
But she hadn't been completely put off the breed: “I would consider a Dalmatian puppy in the future if I met a nice one.
“That’s the only one of these that is subject to change.”
It was a similar story for the doleful-looking Basset Hound. “[They] are vocal and [have] health issues.”
Finally, she was no fan of the Australian cattle dog: “Too high energy drive for me.”
But commenters had their own opinions on some of the breeds on her list.

One said: “I have a Dalmatian. Most Dalmatians can be aggressive but for some reason, mine is ditzy and loves everybody.”
Another was passionate about her pet: “Agreed though I would change my whole lifestyle for my Australian cattle dog if I could afford to.”