Lexington Humane Society urgently needs dog foster parents

2024-07-01 16:48:24
2024-07-01 16:48:24

(FOX 56) — The Lexington Humane Society is filled with animals in need of a home, and this shelter is flooded with dogs.

Right now, the humane society has more than 400 animals in its care.
Staff recently took to Facebook, pleading for more foster parents and explaining the importance of giving the shelter the chance to create space for other dogs that need help in the community.

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The non-profit said its big dogs are taking up the most space, and while its main goal is to find them a permanent home, it’s encouraging people to foster them.

“Fostering is such a simple way to give back, and I think people don’t realize that, and so we’re always trying to show that to them and convey that message,” Meghan Hawkins, director of community engagement for Lexington Humane Society, said.
“It’s such an easy way if you don’t have time or the schedule for a permanent animal.
I think people don’t realize that fostering is a great solution for you.”


For some people, that sounds daunting, but if you do decide to become a foster, the shelter will supply everything you need, from food and toys to medical care.
It’s a decision that could be the turning point in a dog’s life.

“Studies have shown that even a dog that goes out of shelter and goes into a home for two or three days improves their behavior, improves their temperament, their personality—they’re a different dog when they come here,” said Hawkins.

Summertime is generally when the shelter takes on the most dogs, making the job of finding loving homes for all of their animals even more challenging.

“We anticipate being even more full after the 4th of July holiday with the number of pets that get out or get lost or end up in our shelter,” Hawkins said.
“It’s a lot, and it’s usually overwhelming after holidays like that, especially, you throw in fireworks and people getting together.
So, we were trying to get ahead of the problem and go ahead and encourage people to foster and make space for the dogs that we know will come to us.”

If you would like to foster a dog or are considering adopting one, click here.

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