Local pet supply store working towards reaching 1 million meals goal

Berks Regional News

2024-12-07 05:28:00
2024-12-07 05:28:00

- A local organization is making sure pets under the care of families in need also have a bowl of food.
Humane Pennsylvania says their goal is to feed 1 million pets.

Spike's Pet Food Pantry is making sure that no pet in Berks or Lancaster County goes hungry.

"Tomorrow kicks off our million meals challenge food drive," said Damon March, director of operations for Humane Pennsylvania.

Each year a goal is set.
So far, they have distributed over 900,000 meals.

"I've been here for almost 20 years, and we've been doing it for as long as I can remember," March says.

March says the program started out small.


"It's grown ever, we really got a lot bigger during COVID," March says.
"We know that people can be struggling out there and struggling to make sure that there's enough resources for their families.
Pets are a part of the family."

When people can't afford to feed their furry friends, Spike's Pet Food Pantry steps in.

"We're trying to make sure that every pet in Berks and Lancaster County has food to eat so that they can be healthy and happy and comfortable," March says.

What exactly do they need?

"Primarily dog food and cat food," March says.
"Cat food tends to be the hardest for us to come by."

But cats and dogs aren't the only types of pets.

"Then even food for other types of animals, like rabbits and guinea pigs and all sorts of critters, their pets too, and people that need to feed them as well," March says.

Leaving behind wagging tails, full bellies, and lots of love.

"I always feel really great because we get to interact with a lot of families who are very grateful for the help that we're able to give them.
They're great pet owners," March says.

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