HOUSTON (KIAH)– Christmas has come and gone and now many will start preparing for the New Year. As you prepare for your celebrations and feasts, PetLab experts say that though tempting, your dogs shouldn’t eat everything you serve during the holidays.
Most meals for your pets should have meats and vegetables to give your dog enough energy. Vegetables for your pet are best boiled in a pan without seasoning.
Here are the meats and vegetables that are good for your dog’s diet:
- Brussels Sprouts
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Parsnips
- peas
- plain potatoes (no seasoning)
- Turkey (skinless)
- chicken (skinless)
- pork should only be served to your pet fi it’s a lean cut, well cooked and in a small amount
- Bone broth
Never give your pet vegetables in the onion family. These veggies are highly toxic. Garlic is also poisonous. If your dog consumes some, it can attack your dog’s red blood cells. Avoiding stuffing and gravy is best for your pup as it can contain high amounts of salt fat.