Kelcy Mae Wilburn, singer-songwriter and guitarist of Ever More Nest, with Clyde
Kelcy Mae Wilburn with Clyde
How long have you been with Clyde? 13 years
What is the most lovable thing about him? He's the ultimate cuddler, and he's dog-like in that he always follows me around the house.
What is Clyde’s quirkiest personality trait? He tries to “clean” my hair as though I'm a cat, too. And maybe I am — I don't know sometimes.
Where did you find him? He was part of a litter of strays born in my mom's backyard in Shreveport.
What is your favorite hangout spot with Clyde? He's too scaredy-cat to hit the town, but he does like to hang with me on the back porch.
Kelcy Mae's next show is Dec. 21 at Gasa Gasa, a solo showcase with additional performances by Tiffany Pollack, Shawn Williams and Stoo Odom.

Teena May, left, with Adam Coolsaet and Izzy Starfire
Teena May, vocalist, with drummer Adam Coolsaet and Izzy Starfire
Tell us about Izzy. Izzy is half-intergalactic fox, half-corgi. I am a “dog aunt” for Izzy and care for her when my drummer, Adam Coolsaet, goes out of town. We rehearse each week on Mondays, and Izzy lays beside me as we jam out, no matter how loud. When we record video clips to promote upcoming shows, Izzy knows our songs and waits to bark till after we stop recording!
How long have you known her? Two years
What is the most lovable thing about her? She's very vocal.
What’s your favorite spot to bring her? Any bar that has treats.
Catch Teena May on Dec. 18 at Buffa’s for holiday tunes with Gregg Hill and friends.

Bennett Kirschner, right, with co-parent Pete Pinelli and Peanut
Bennett Kirschner, singer-songwriter with TV Pole Shine, with Peanut
What is Peanut’s most lovable quality? Her unbridled love for all people and dogs.
What is her goofiest personality trait? When she hears a peculiar sound, such as the blaring of a saxophone, she'll tilt her head until it's nearly upside down.
Where did you find Peanut? (Ten months ago) we found her about half a block away from my house, on the street. My buddy Pete (Pinelli, pictured left) and I were walking back to my place after a taco dinner, and we saw her sitting on the corner (of the street). She had a bum leg and a bump on her head, both of which healed quickly. Seeing as she didn't have a chip or a tag, we put out several ads. No one responded, so we decided to keep her in a joint custody arrangement. Her origins are still a complete mystery to us.
What is your favorite local spot to bring her? The End of the World.
Catch Bennett with TV Pole Shine, performing Feb. 18, 2023, at Saturn Bar with Tra$h Magnolia.

Melissa Weber aka DJ Soul Sister with Ray (seated) and Caesar (background).
Melissa Weber aka DJ Soul Sister, with Ray Donovan and Caesar
How did you meet these dogs? I met both of them earlier this year when I met Charles Teamer Jr., my boyfriend. Even though I'm a 100% cat-loving cat person through and through — I follow several Instagram accounts that are dedicated to cat videos — I can't get enough of Caesar and my Little Ray Ray. I've never been a dog person, and when I first learned Charles had two dogs, I wasn't so sure. But now, I buy them toys and take photos of them and love to play and walk them. I don't know who I've become!
What do you love most about them? Every single time I visit Charles' house, both of them run to the door and jump and dance. Caesar is so chill and sweet, and never bothers anyone. He's an older dog, so he's very mellow, and just as nice as can be. Little Ray Ray is my rager. He'll do tricks and jump up and down and smile. When I call his name, he runs faster than the speed of light. I also call Ray the “Wiggly Worm,” because he loves to jump in my lap and wiggle all around before he plops down and stays there. He also likes to lick me. I don't love that and have asked him to stop, but now I'm used to it and have given in.
Catch DJ Soul Sister for her 20th annual NYE Soul Train on Dec. 31 at the Civic Theatre.

Bobby Lewis and Beau
Bobby Lewis, harmonica player, with Beau
Tell us about Beau's background. He’s an English Shepherd, 11 years old. We bought him in Taos, New Mexico. We’ve had him since he was a little pup.
What’s the most lovable thing about him? I like it when he sleeps on my foot and when he comes to see me in the morning. I like everything about Beau — that’s a hard question.
What’s his quirkiest personality trait? He’s a mama’s boy. He’s totally Franny [Lewis’ partner]’s boy. I can’t get him to walk with me if she’s around.
Where are your favorite spots to take him? Markey’s Bar, BJ’s Lounge, Clouet Gardens and Markey Park.
Catch Bobby Lewis with Little Freddie King on Dec. 17 at BJ’s Lounge.

Robin Barnes with Midnight, left, and Grace, right
Robin Barnes, singer-songwriter, with Grace and Midnight
Tell us about these cats. Midnight is 2 and Grace is about 12. Grace was my husband (bassist Pat Casey)’s cat first, and she came from PetSmart. Midnight came from Zeus’ Place.
What do you love most about them? I love that they are actually laid-back. I come from a family of dogs and I never ever thought I’d be a cat person. Now I love it. They cuddle and they know when I'm about to wake up, they come and snuggle and they’re very chill. When I had a dog, it was constant maintenance — it’s kind of nice to have cats, especially since I have a kid now (3 years old) that I need to give constant attention to.
What are their quirkiest personality traits?
Grace is obsessed with my husband. If she doesn’t like the way he cleans her litter box, she will poop on my side of the bed; she’ll do stuff to me to make him take care of her. Midnight is addicted to food. He is my child; I love food — and he loves food so much. He gets fed five times a day. Other than that, I love that Midnight sings. He’s definitely a singer’s cat.
Catch Robin Barnes on Dec. 24 at the Ace Hotel.