The first distribution event will take place Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. at the food bank off of Bear Lane.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — You now have a way to feed the entire family at the Coastal Bend Food Bank thanks to the launch of a brand-new partnership with the Gulf Coast Humane Society.
The organizations have teamed up in the effort to make sure that every pet has something in their bowl by providing a large-scale distribution that will take place at the Food Bank located at 5442 Bear Lane at 9 a.m. on Wednesday.
Bea Hanson said she was happy to expand the CBFB services to animals when she got the call for help— it was a no brainer.
“Food is food,” said Hanson.
Jackie McCollough, director of marketing and development at the Gulf Coast Humane Society said they were pleased with how quickly the process of launching the program was finalized.
She said she wants pet owners to know there is nothing wrong with needing assistance and acknowledged that there are many families in need of help in the Coastal Bend.
“People love their pets. Just because you are in need of pet food assistance doesn’t make you any less of a pet owner,” McCollough said. “We know you love your pets. If you’ve got pets and you need help, just come on down.”
There will also be pet food assistance for those who want help feeding their reptiles, guinea pigs, horses and other animals.
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