A field could be transformed into a dog training facility, if planning permission is given.
A change of use planning application has been submitted to South Kesteven District Council for agricultural land east of Park Farm off Morkery Lane in Castle Bytham.
The applicant Nicholas Eudall wants the land, which has been in the ownership of his family for more than 70 years, to be used for dog training with exercise paddocks and secure fencing.
The design and access statement submitted with the application notes that secure and safe areas for exercising dogs are becoming more popular as open locations are becoming limited.
The exercise area would be hired by dog owners or pet sitters, typically on a half hourly basis.
Some small items of equipment such as obstacles and jumps would be available for use and a moveable timber-framed shelter would provide cover for owners.
To see more planning applications and other public notices for your area, visit publicnoticeportal.uk/turn
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