Puppy Scavenging For Food Got His Head Stuck In A Fence

2024-05-20 15:45:15
2024-05-20 15:45:15

Thanks to compassionate animal rescuers, many precious lives have been saved.
In this story and video posted below, we meet a caring police officer who made it his mission to rescue a puppy in a precarious situation.
The little guy was trying to find food when he got his head stuck in a fence.
If he wasn’t spotted and if help didn’t arrive, there’s no way he would have survived.
The metal fence would have ended up strangling him as he lashed about trying to break free.
Gratefully, the puppy’s fate was in capable hands.


Police arrived on the scene.
One officer approached the puppy, knelt down, and placed his hands around the puppy’s neck.
He wiggled him back and forth trying to free him, but this didn’t work.
The puppy was really lodged in there! Amazingly, the puppy understood that the officer was trying to help him and wagged his tail.
The officer then tried a different approach and was eventually able to free the little guy!



The puppy was so relieved, as were the officers on the scene.
They held him to calm him down, then put him into their vehicle.
Since no one seemed to know who the dog belonged to, he was taken to Fresno Animal Center.
Everyone is certain he will find a loving, forever home quickly.


We are immensely relieved the puppy was saved and is now surrounded by new human friends who are giving him tons of love and affection.
Play the video below to see the dramatic rescue.

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