Robot Cats, Dogs And Birds Are The New Solutions To The “epidemic Of Loneliness”

2024-07-02 08:59:50
2024-07-02 08:59:50

Loneliness is a growing problem affecting millions of people around the world, especially to older people.
A recent study by the U.S.
Surgeon General found that loneliness is associated with a reduction in life expectancy similar to that caused by smoking 15 cigarettes a day and even greater than that associated with obesity.
In response to this crisis, policymakers are looking for innovative solutions, and one of them is the robot pets.

A legacy of innovation: Paro, the pioneer

In the early 1990s, a Japanese researcher began working on what would become Unemploymenta googly-eyed robotic seal that has become the best-known example of a therapeutic robot for older people.

Japan, with its aging population and enthusiasm for new technologies, has been a leader in the development of robots for the elderly. For decades, these robots have been used to supplement healthcare shortages and help older adults feel less alone.

The United States adopts the trend

While the United States has not embraced robotic technologies as readily as Japan, the situation is changing.
The New York State Office on Aging (NYSOFA) has delivered more than 31,500 robot pets to older New Yorkers since 2018. The most popular robot pets are those produced by Ageless Innovations under its brand Joy for AllThe company offers a retriever-type dog, a cat, and red and blue birds.


Benefits of robot pets for mental health

Research has shown that pet ownership is an effective method of combating loneliness in older adults.
Robot pets may offer some of the same benefits, especially in cases where interaction with real humans and animals is limited.
While Research on robot pets is still limitedstudies have pointed to potential benefits such as reduced loneliness and improved mood.

As technology advances and the population ages, robot pets could become an increasingly important tool to combat loneliness and improve the quality of life for seniors.

Beyond robot pets: other solutions

It is important to note that robot pets are not the only solution to loneliness in old age.
There are other strategies, such as:

  • Encourage social interaction: Participate in group activities, join clubs or volunteer.
  • Keep active: Exercise regularly and take care of your physical health.
  • Seek professional help: If loneliness is severe, a therapist can help develop coping mechanisms.

Combating loneliness is a joint effort that requires the participation of the whole society.
Robot pets can be a useful tool, but they are not the only solution.
It is important to create a social and healthcare environment that supports older people and helps them feel connected and valued.

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