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Fans of making and selling homemade dog treats in Arkansas often reach out to the Public Policy Center for regulatory information. Our response often comes as a surprise.<\/p>
The Food Freedom Act in Arkansas, often called a cottage food law, does not apply to canine treats. The law guides food intended for human consumption, which until the passage of a previous cottage food law in Arkansas meant every food item for sale had to be made in a health department-inspected kitchen.<\/p>
Act 1040 of 2021 allows the sale of homemade \u00e2\u0080\u009cnon-time\/temperature control for safety food\u00e2\u0080\u009d without it being processed in a certified and inspected kitchen. Harmful bacteria do not grow easily on these kinds of food so they do not need to be kept hot or cold for their safety.<\/p>\n \n
People in the food industry often call these shelf-stable products a \u00e2\u0080\u009cNon-TCS\u00e2\u0080\u009d food. Examples of Non-TCS foods include most items that fell under Arkansas\u00e2\u0080\u0099 old Cottage Food law: baked goods, candies, jam and jellies that use real sugars.<\/p>
Additionally, pickles, some salsas and sauces, and acidified or fermented beverages can also be a Non-TCS food depending on their pH acidity levels.<\/p>\n \n
WHAT ABOUT DOG TREATS?<\/strong><\/p> If you want to sell homemade dog treats in Arkansas, contact the Arkansas Department of Agriculture - Feed Division for an application for a feed facility license. The form covers everything from livestock feed to pet food and specialty pet food.<\/p> CLICK HERE to see the Feed Division website.<\/strong><\/p> Read the Arkansas Feed Law of 1997 for more information.<\/p>\n \n\n \n \n <\/div>\r\n
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