Even though Claire Thriffiley grew up with two artists in her family and won a coloring contest in the second grade, a career in art wasn’t always the idea. But after living and studying for a year in Paris, she immersed herself in the arts, and upon return, applied for a master’s degree in arts business from Sotheby’s Institute of Art. At Sotheby’s, she saw how art and business intersect, which led her to her unique career path and eventually the opening of her own gallery in the French Quarter.
At Claire Elizabeth Gallery, Claire works with artists who exude passion and have an interesting process when producing their work. She enjoys helping them recognize the value in their talent just as much as she loves when clients connect with their work in a meaningful way. Another perk of the job is working with Max, a lovable Bichon Frisé that she co-parents with her best friend Mandie Landry and partner Allen.
“We like to say that we have a very ‘modern family,’” she shares. “This started in 2020 when we offered to watch Max and his brother Beau while Mandie was away at legislative session. (Mandie is a State Representative for District 91 in New Orleans.) Very quickly we fell in love with both dogs and realized Max thrived in a home where he was the only dog. I hesitated at first to bring Max to the gallery, because he has a lot of energy, but he took to it like a fish to water. Max is truly a ‘people person,’ so he thrives in an environment where he can visit with people, and the gallery is a perfect place for that.”
Once Max is clocked in, he alternates between welcoming guests to the gallery and guarding Claire and the art from his bed. He is also an art model and helps Claire when she needs to show a piece to her clients. She photographs Max in a chair next to the work so they can understand the size, color, and texture. On his days off, Max lives for walks to Envie Espresso Bar & Cafe where he visits his friends and gets a piece of sausage from Mr. Cliff.
While Claire can’t (and won’t!) choose favorite artists, she’s particularly excited about debuting a group exhibition this fall with artists Ben Depp, Ida Floreak, and Heather “Bird” Harris. Visit the gallery to see the beautiful works exploring nature and ecology, and of course, Max.
Claire Elizabeth Gallery is located at 131 Decatur Street
This article appeared in Adore's A-List 2024 issue