The Arts: Pet bunny inspires woman’s inner artist

Cross Timbers Gazette | Southern Denton County | Flower Mound

2024-03-23 16:16:18
2024-03-23 16:16:18

By Elizabeth Brannon

What makes an artist? Talent? Inspiration? Opportunity? Devotion? Let’s let Baxter help tell Lynne Izganic’s story of becoming an artist later in her life.

Lynne is originally from Philadelphia.
She has been an avid lover of the arts all her life yet didn’t actually try any of the arts until recently.
She loves pets, the visual arts, museums, musicals and the written word.
She spent 25 years raising her children, being a part-time yoga instructor, working for the YMCA and caring for her family.

Along the way, Lynne’s children told her to go find art classes to take, but in her seven moves around the country, she was never able to find adult art classes.
Lynne’s mother constantly encouraged Lynne to write down her stories and not just share them as a troubadour would.
Her husband, Joe, had a great career, and because of his success, the entire family, including Baxter, had a wonderful life.

Fifteen years ago, Lynne found a Silver Black Dutch Bunny in a pet store.
There was a turquoise tattoo in his ear, which indicated he was a purebred.
He was a show bunny and was considered an exotic pet.
The arresting blue colored eyes of the bunny matched the blue eyes of Lynne’s entire family, so it was love at first sight.
They adopted Baxter and the pet became an integral part of their lives.
Baxter was a pampered, well cared for, happy, stubborn, playful and feisty bunny with a lot of personality.
Baxter even chased the family dogs, who were afraid of Baxter.
Along the way, Baxter became Lynne’s pet, and Baxter traveled in his cage with the family on their trips around the USA, in their cars or trucks, (he didn’t like bus travel and was not allowed to travel on planes). Some of the rest stops on the road were specifically for Baxter.
The identity of Baxter as a traveling bunny was real.


Once Lynne realized she was an empty nester, it dawned on her that it was finally HER turn to do something for herself and to find her niche in life.
Four years ago, Lynne found adult art classes through Studio Art House.
In those classes, Lynne learned about artists, watercolors, charcoal, pastels, oils, portrait painting, illustrations, ink, drawing with graphite, and even researched writing a children’s book.

Dutch bunnies normally live to be 9 years old, but Baxter made it to 15 because he lived the good life.
When Baxter died, Lynne was heartbroken and found it comforting to write about Baxter.
Almost accidentally and after a year and a half of effort, all of Lynne’s artistic talent came together in the form of her first book, “Baxter the Traveling Bunny.” The self-published book combines Lynne’s talents of writing, poetry, watercolor, ink drawings and telling a story.

“Baxter the Traveling Bunny” is an easy-to-read, charming and colorful story for 2-5-year-old children, told in rhyme.
What makes it unique is that it’s a story about an actual bunny who made road trips.
Lynne’s first book is available in paperback at Studio Art House, and is available online through Barnes and Noble, Amazon and many others.
It’s available for e-books and the book has a Facebook page.

Lynne confesses she is not trying to become a “professional” artist, but wants to live her life without stress and with joy and art.
The joy and comfort of writing, drawing and painting the story of Baxter has opened a world of art to Lynne and to the children who read and learn about Baxter the Traveling Bunny.
Lynne plans additional books and is available to share her book through readings in elementary schools and other places for young children.
Lynne’s path can and should be an encouragement to anyone who has an interest in creating art, no matter when in life the opportunity presents itself.

Elizabeth Brannon serves on the Town of Flower Mound Cultural Arts Commission.

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