‘The hardest goodbye’: Actor Desmond Tan mourns death of pet dog Hoshi

2024-09-24 10:16:52
2024-09-24 10:16:52

SINGAPORE – Local actor Desmond Tan is grieving the death of his beloved pet Hoshi.

“My vision blurs as I type this.
It’s definitely the hardest goodbye,” he wrote on Instagram late on Sept 23, posted several photos of himself with the cocker spaniel.
“Hoshi, you will be dearly missed.
I love you so much, my best buddy and loyal companion.”

The 38-year-old said he was grateful to have shared 15 incredible years with Hoshi.

“You were the most loyal and thoughtful dog, always waiting for me and even timing your departure,” the Mediacorp artiste wrote.
“No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.”


Tan often posts photos and videos with his two dogs, Hoshi and Udon, an eight-year-old mixed breed, on social media, including when he announced his wife’s pregnancy in a video in October 2023. The couple welcomed their first child, a girl, on March 5.

The actor, who was recently seen in the science-fiction series Moments (2024), told The Straits Times in April that Hoshi was recovering from ill health when his daughter was born.

“I’m glad Hoshi met the baby because he wasn’t doing well,” Tan said then.
“He had some senior dog issues and we had a couple of health scares.
We thought we were going to lose him last year.”

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