Caring for a senior pet is no walk in the park, especially when the pet can't walk at all. A Colorado woman was shocked to find her dog's wheelchair missing from the porch Tuesday morning. Who would steal from an old, good boy?
Megan Caligiuri, of Englewood, has owned Griff, a rescued schnauzer mix, for nearly 15 years. The pair have always been active, traveling the country and doing 10-mile hikes. Trips got shorter as Griff's mobility went with age.
She purchased him a dog wheelchair. It picks up the slack for his weakened hind legs.
The wheels have significantly improved his quality of life.
“We go three miles a day, and it's been a game-changer for him,” Caligiuri explained. “Someone saw him trucking around in the snow and was like, ‘He's such an inspiration!”
Mobility keeps a senior dog's spirit alive.
Griff's energetic for being 105 “human” years old, but he can no longer walk without wheels.
This week, Caligiuri has had to give him a lift.
His wheels were stolen off the porch Monday night.
“I take them off after every walk. I leave them outside because they're dirty. He rolls around through stuff,” explained Caligiuri. “The next morning, he's pretty jazzed for his next walk. I go outside and they're gone. I have no faith left in humanity that someone would steal a disabled dog's wheelchair.”
She filed a police report and posted about the theft on the neighborhood social app, Nextdoor, hoping someone might have seen something or could help her find the missing wheelchair.
The response from the community was overwhelming.
“Over 80 people responded, offering donations, resources, and support. It was really heartwarming to see that much compassion,” she said. “Someone said they saw a guy on a bike, with what looked like the wheels, serving as a trailer.”
Replacing wheels is pricey. They're not something you can buy at your local pet supply.
News of Griff's dilemma spread.
Kathryn Groenewold with Paw Prosper, the parent company of Walkin' Pets, said the story left her team heartbroken.
“We just couldn't leave this dog without wheels,” said Groenewold. “There's nothing more incredible than seeing a previously immobile pet have movement and excitement and the joy of running and play come back into their lives.”
Walkin' Pets offers wheelchairs and support products to improve pet mobility.
Thursday night, they arranged for a replacement wheelchair to be hand-delivered to Caligiuri's door.
“Our team works very hard to make sure that each chair is perfectly fitting for the dog,” said Groenewold. “We hope that Griff and Megan are going to be able to enjoy more good days together as a result.”
Griff doesn't know why he's been carried, but he doesn't seem bitter about missing a week of walks.
While crime tried to slow him, the community has him rolling on alright.
“I feel so overwhelmed by the kindness of people. This is how he gets around and how he enjoys life and experiences life,” Caligiuri said. “My faith in humanity has been restored. Thank you, everyone, so much.”