Meet Walter, the lovable, grumpy old man stuck in a dog’s body. Walter’s story began when Kayla and her husband moved to Florida for a job. They adopted Walter from a family who couldn’t handle having a large dog. At the time, Walter was just a puppy. He was skinny, sick, and suffering from kennel cough. However, once he regained his health, Walter became an integral part of Kayla’s family.
Walter’s personality can be best described as a judgmental old grandpa who loves to lounge in a recliner and observe his surroundings. He has a favorite spot in every room, whether it’s the living room, bedroom, or even at his in-laws’ house. From his chosen perch, Walter watches everyone, occasionally participating in the activities but mostly ensuring that everyone behaves themselves.
As he gets tired, Walter’s personality shines through even more. He slowly melts into the sofa or bed, appearing to be half-asleep while still keeping an eye on everyone. He doesn’t want to miss a thing and wants to make sure everyone is safe. Walter’s stare-downs are legendary, and he never loses a staring contest.
When he’s not napping, Walter can often be found daydreaming and contemplating life. He’s a character even when he’s asleep, sharing the bed with his human parents and his large dog siblings. Walter is a loud snorer, but Kayla wouldn’t have it any other way, as she finds it adorable and peaceful.
Walter is undoubtedly a mama’s boy and follows Kayla everywhere. The couple doesn’t have any human children, so their dogs are their family. Their lives revolve around their canine companions, and they love them dearly.
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