The other dog, the small dog, wanders over, sniffs the bed, vaults the edge and commandeers a corner. Finally, the big dog is persuaded to come aboard, but she sits awkwardly, facing away from me and stealing the odd sidelong glance.<\/p>
\u201cRelax,\u201d I say. \u201cYou\u2019re ruining this for me.\u201d<\/p>
The Snuggle Pod cover is removable and washable, which is probably disappointing for a dog. It is billed as \u201cthe ultimate cosy night in solution\u201d, and is said to be targeted primarily at gen Z, with their celebrated contempt for socialising. Some promotional pictures don\u2019t even have dogs in them \u2013 just contented singletons wearing headphones \u2013 which sort of elevates the appeal. It\u2019s the ultimate cosy night in solution for when your dog is out.<\/p>
Eventually the big dog lies down and stretches out. As undisgusting as it is, she seems to see the point at last. She looks around the giant plush pod as if thinking: this will do nicely, once it\u2019s filthy.<\/p>
Then she falls fast asleep on my arm. Of the three of us now sharing the Snuggle Pod, I am the only one not snoring. I lie there, staring at the ceiling, wishing I\u2019d had the foresight to point the bed toward the television before I climbed in.<\/p><\/div>\r\n
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