When you shop at the iHeartDogs store, part of those earnings go to Greater Good Charities. Greater Good Charities supports a variety of animal organizations, especially through their GOODS Program, which donates healthy meals and other essential supplies to shelters and rescues. Because of these donations, shelters and rescues can save more dogs.
Zipper is one of the many dogs who have benefitted from the GOODS Program. She needed Femoral Head Ostectomy surgery (FHO) on her damaged leg, which is a serious procedure with a long recovery. While she recovered, she couldn’t go for long walks, despite being playful and full of energy.
To help with Zipper’s boredom, Friends of Detroit Animal Care and Control received chew donations from the GOODS Program to keep Zipper content and full. Zipper’s favorite chews are Oinkies from Hartz. Whenever she was feeling restless during her recovery process, she could gnaw on one of those savory pig-flavored treats.
A Successful Recovery!
Now, Zipper doesn’t have any limitations or special needs related to her surgery. However, one of her back legs still needs to gain some muscle, but so far, it hasn’t held her back from going for walks and using the stairs. She’s a very affectionate dog who loves to cuddle, play with plush toys, and eat as many treats as she can.
With donations from the GOODS Program, recovering dogs like Zipper can receive essential donations like food and treats. This lets the shelter focus on the dogs’ medical needs without having to worry about the cost of healthy meals, allowing them to save more dogs as a result.
“Our dogs and cats at Detroit Animal Care and Control love the treats and food we get from the GOODS Program to supplement what the city shelter provides. We don’t know what we’d do without these donations!” Detroit Animal Care and Control wrote.
Now, Zipper is in a loving foster home while she waits for a family to adopt her and give her the life she deserves. Purchases from the iHeartDogs store make recoveries like Zipper’s possible. So, thank you to all the wonderful dog lovers who have bought products to help dogs in need!
The following products provide quality dog food for shelters and rescues, helping them reserve more of their precious funds for medical expenses, supplies, and spreading the word about their adoptable pups. Learn more.