Bjarne Gravesen Jensen, CEO and co-founder of Globe Buddy, emphasizes the move as a pivotal strategy to diminish the climate impact associated with conventional dog food.
The insect protein used in Globe Buddy Brown is sourced from Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae, supplied by the Danish insect protein producer, Enorm.
Jensen highlighted the product's approach to transparency, addressing the growing need among pet owners to understand the environmental sustainability of their pets' food choices.
Beyond its climate-friendliness, the incorporation of insect larvae aligns with the circular economy, minimizing waste as the insects are nourished by by-products from the food industry, maintains the CEO.
Globe Buddy says it is committed to sustainability throughout its operations, with the new product packaged in a fully recyclable box that is designed for direct-to-consumer distribution.
Carbon emissions data​
Futhermore, the carbon emissions of the Globe Buddy Brown product have been calculated by ClimatePartner​​ in accordance with the GHG Protocol, added the startup.
Targeted at adult dogs, particularly those with sensitive digestion or intolerances to traditional animal protein sources, the insect proteins in the dog food are easy to digest, as indicated by multiple studies in the literature​​, according to the CEO.
Manufacturing of the dog food is outsourced to a Danish third-party manufacturer, ensuring precise control over the extrusion process to maintain the nutritional quality of the insect meal, he told us.
Globe Buddy positions itself as a supplier to both retailers and distributors, utilizing Amazon as the main distribution hub in Europe, while maintaining an independent online store for the Danish market. Additionally, a number of Danish retail stores also stock the products.