Lots of people love the wonder and joy of a good fireworks display, but for many pet owners, any long weekend can be dreaded as the sound of fireworks can be frightening for many animals.
Although many municipalities are not hosting firework displays for the Labour Day weekend, there may still be private celebrations to mark the end of summer.
“Fireworks come without warning and can be very frightening,” The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society states on its website. “The sounds, smells and sights can be easily overwhelming for our furry friends.”
Even if you live far from any public fireworks displays, be prepared for private fireworks close to home, the OSPCA said.
Here are a few tips to keep pets calm during when the fireworks go off.
For dogs and cats
- Walk your dog before it gets dark to avoid having to go outside once the fireworks begin.
- Keep your pet indoors during fireworks and make sure to close windows and any accessible pet doors. Startled animals will try to hide, and they may bolt outdoors. Being inside the house will also help dampen any loud noises.
- Make sure your animal is wearing its collar and ID tags in case it does get out.
- Have a safe place for your animal to feel at ease, like a crate or other confinement space. If putting it into a crate helps, do so before the fireworks begin.
- You can block out some of the flashing lights by keeping curtains closed and lights on, or by placing a blanket over your animal’s crate.
- Turn on the TV, or play quiet music to help mask the noise.
- Have familiar scents for your pet to reduce stress from the smell of a fireworks display.
- If you know that your animal is frightened by fireworks, ensure someone is at home to stay with your pet. They may pace around during the fireworks, make noise or search for a place to hide. Let them be.
- If your pet begins to look stressed because of the loud noise and is showing signs of restlessness, pacing, quivering, and looking for places to hide, comfort them and give them a lot of love and treats.
- Even if your animal doesn’t show signs of distress around fireworks, resist bringing them with you to watch a fireworks display. Animals are far more sensitive to the sounds and smells produced by fireworks and would be much happier having a quiet night in.
- If your companion animal has a history of fear around loud noises, speak to your veterinarian prior to any fireworks event. They might offer medical intervention that can help keep your furry friends calm and cool during all the excitement.
- Consider a ThunderShirt or anxiety vest or wrap for your pet. It’s a calming wrap that helps with anxiety, from fireworks to thunderstorms. Get the correct size that fits your dog, so it’s not too loose or too tight.
For smaller pets like birds or hamsters
- If you’re concerned about noise, you can move your animal’s cage or hutch to an area of the house that’s quieter (e.g., the garage or basement).
- You can play white noise or calming music to help counteract the noises.
- Rodents tend to burrow when they’re frightened, so make sure you provide extra bedding before any excitement starts.
- Cover a birdcage or hutch with a blanket or towel to dampen the noise and block out some of the bright lights.